S2 Ep9: Stop Shoulding On People!

Season #2 Episode #9

“I should be running faster,” “my family should get along better,” “he shouldn’t work so hard,” “I should be more fit” - sound familiar?

We should on ourselves and others, all the time. Our society is full of people shoulding on each other, and it’s time we shine a light on this strain of resistance that fuels feelings of anxiety, depression, and separation.

When we stop shoulding, we stop fighting the way things are, and we open space for positive change. Life is a boomerang game. What we throw out, we get back. If we are throwing out resistance, we are going to receive resistance. 

If we throw out acceptance, we will see more reasons to accept.

I share a technique I used with my family that we can apply to anyone or anything in our lives. My experience is that when we alleviate shoulding, we welcome ease and flow.