Blog: Standard Minimal
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  • Yoga

    Follow Your Path and Find Your Gifts

    - by Jess

    Following my path and pursuing my purpose in life has always felt normal to me.  My parents are very loving, they always encouraged me to follow my heart.  They believed in me and trusted that I would be kept safe.  I always thought it was amazing how they could let me go so gracefully.  They provided the…

  • Yoga


    - by Jess

    Uncontrolled chronic stress is a way of life for many these days. From itchiness to bitchiness, anxiety, weight gain, headaches and diminished immunity, the symptom picture is common. In the US where health is on a steady decline it is believed that 80-90% of all disease is stress related. As defined by Hans Selye in 1974, stress…

  • Yoga

    Do It With Love

    - by Jess

    I have lived on the ocean most of my life and feel a deep connection to the water.  My wiser self now recognizes that its helps cool my fire; a necessity for a pitta in balance. Suffice to say, I have great love for this magnificent force of nature and I believe that we can learn much…

  • Triathlon

    Race Recap: Newport Half Marathon

    - by Jess

    Last week I finished up my final race of this season, the local half marathon in Newport.  An absolutely breathtaking course along Ocean Drive and the famous Bellevue Avenue; it’s an ideal destination race if you’re looking for something in the fall.  Tourist season has slowed and fall colors are in full effect. Our race day this…

  • Triathlon

    411 from the 401: Ironman World Championship 2013

    - by Jess

    The party is underway at our house in preparation for this weekend’s Ironman World Championship. We are triathletes, endurance junkies; this is our superbowl!  Can I get an AMEN?! The knowing that a collection of mentally and physically elite men and women are coming together to share in an epic experience on a sacred island is very…

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