Blog: Standard Minimal
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  • Triathlon

    Never Say Never Ever

    - by Jess

    I started in triathlon when I was in massage school.  I was definitely on the path to a more awakened state but still very much buried in my ego at the time. In accordance with my plan to be the best massage therapist ever known to man I set my sights on the Orthopedic and Sports massage…

  • Yoga

    Resistance: a few thoughts.

    - by Jess

    Resistance to reality is the root of all suffering.  There is nothing in this lifetime that holds more truth than reality.  It’s our tendency to resist that is the core of our unhappiness and struggle in life.  I use the word struggle because that feels like a heavier word than challenge.  Struggle feels darker to me, more…

  • Triathlon

    Plugged In

    - by Jess

    As I ran along the never disappointing and always breathtaking Ocean Drive coastal route this morning, I noticed every runner I passed was connected by headphones, cord swinging around. Although I have no idea what was being pumped in from the small devices attached to their bodies, my first reaction was that they were missing out somehow.…

  • Triathlon

    Let’s Get Physical

    - by Jess

    News Flash!  Muscles were not designed to hang flaccidly from our bones.  They are meant to support our structure and facilitate movement.  The body is designed to move and muscles are meant to be toned. So when we live a sedentary life it is no wonder that eventually the body will break down from the lack of…

  • Yoga

    Slow Down! We’re not going anywhere.

    - by Jess

    So answer me this, when you approach an intersection and the light goes yellow, are you more likely to go for the light or do you slow down with caution? I’m going to take a guess that most people are guilty of gunning it through a light.  To be truthful, I have absolutely done that in the…

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