S2 Ep10: You WILL Be Tested

Season #2 Episode #10

Let's get one thing straight; the mind is a thought-producing machine. The meditation assignment is not stopping thoughts, so if your excuse for not meditating is your mind is too busy, excuse no more. 

To even know that we have a quiet mind is a thought. The truth is, the moments of quiet in the mind are unnoticeable. I share a few stories in this episode; the first was about my meditation teacher when he studied the effects of meditation on the brain at the university level. The results of one meditator's experience may surprise you. In the least, I believe it will make sense.

The second story is about an experience I had in meditation when I got tested. Armed to float in a pond of peace, I met feelings of anger and frustration instead. 

The Awake Athlete path grows narrow as we walk it, and the challenges get bigger, so if you know one thing, know this, you will be tested.