S2 Ep8: Yoga Of Food
Ahimsa is doing the least amount of harm in any given situation. If we look at our world today, I think we can all agree that practicing ahimsa would benefit the whole, and don’t forget the whole includes you.
When we bring awareness into our life as a way of life, we wake up to how we move through the world. When we see how we move through the world, we get a clear picture of where we stand in position to how we desire to stand in the world.
We shine a light on mental preferences that may create limitations in our experience and expose the truth around our relationships, including food. This is not a heavy episode because our connection to food is not emotional when we see things in truth.
Enlightenment is seeing things as they are. There is nothing fancy about an enlightened viewpoint, but there is something quite powerful about seeing ourselves as we are right now without judgment.
In this episode, I share a bit about my story of shifting to a plant-based diet and the fear that I faced leading into my first Ironman as a vegan athlete. The clarity I attained kicked up intense emotion for me as I identified disconnection in my life, and it allowed me to steady myself on the path to being the person I desire to be in this life.
You are perfect where you are now. The question is, are you awake to where you are now? Because that information is key to where you are going and who you desire to be.